
This page presents the crack method for Lyn 1.6 meant to turn the program into a fully registered program as well as removing the obtrusive menu items such as "Buy Lyn" or "Enter Serial Number…".

Crack Method

Lyn's protection seems to revolve around the isRegistered method that is called in various places and, depending on the outcome, the program uses either a jne or a je. De-mining this puppy will require some work but it is fairly straight-forward, almost algorithmically.

jne to jmp

Find all the occurrences of the code-pattern:

000000010008c29d         mov        rsi, qword [ds:0x100727778]                 ; @selector(isRegistered), argument "selector" for method _objc_msgSend
000000010008c2a4         mov        rdi, rax                                    ; argument "instance" for method _objc_msgSend
000000010008c2a7         call       r13                                         ; _objc_msgSend
000000010008c2aa         test       al, al
000000010008c2ac         jne        0x10008c5f9

and turn the last jne into a jmp.

je to nop

Find all the occurrences of the code-pattern:

000000010000beb0         mov        rsi, qword [ds:0x100727778]                 ; @selector(isRegistered), argument "selector" for method _objc_msgSend
000000010000beb7         mov        rdi, rax                                    ; argument "instance" for method _objc_msgSend
000000010000beba         call       rbx                                         ; _objc_msgSend
000000010000bebc         mov        rcx, rbx
000000010000bebf         test       al, al
000000010000bec1         je         0x10000beef

and eliminate the last je (with nop).

Missing Occurrences

In some instances, the above pattern will not work and you will not find a jne or je. In such cases, if you browse the code, you will find a reference to isTrialPeriod which should be attacked instead. Thus, in these cases, locate the code-pattern:

000000010007d98a         mov        rsi, qword [ds:0x100727780]                 ; @selector(isTrialPeriod), argument "selector" for method _objc_msgSend
000000010007d991         mov        rdi, rax                                    ; argument "instance" for method _objc_msgSend
000000010007d994         call       r14                                         ; _objc_msgSend
000000010007d997         test       al, al
000000010007d999         jne        0x10007d9c0

and replace the jne by a jmp.

Eliminating the Trial Timer

One more annoyance is the trial timer that gets installed in the applicationDidFinishLaunching. Locate the applicationDidFinishLaunching method where the fireTimer is referenced. You will find the isRegistered call ending in a je that you nop-ed :

0000000100013426         mov        rdi, qword [ds:objc_cls_ref_AppDelegate]    ; objc_cls_ref_AppDelegate, argument "instance" for method _objc_msgSend
000000010001342d         mov        rsi, qword [ds:0x1007271c8]                 ; @selector(appDelegate), argument "selector" for method _objc_msgSend
0000000100013434         call       r13                                         ; _objc_msgSend
0000000100013437         mov        rsi, qword [ds:0x100727778]                 ; @selector(isRegistered), argument "selector" for method _objc_msgSend
000000010001343e         mov        rdi, rax                                    ; argument "instance" for method _objc_msgSend
0000000100013441         call       r13                                         ; _objc_msgSend
0000000100013444         test       al, al
0000000100013446         nop        
0000000100013447         nop        
0000000100013448         nop        
0000000100013449         nop        
000000010001344a         nop        
000000010001344b         nop
; isRegistered former "je" was removed with "nop"
000000010001344c         mov        rdi, qword [ds:objc_cls_ref_AppDelegate]    ; objc_cls_ref_AppDelegate, argument "instance" for method _objc_msgSend, XREF=-[AppDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching:]+299
0000000100013453         mov        rsi, qword [ds:0x1007271c8]                 ; @selector(appDelegate), argument "selector" for method _objc_msgSend
000000010001345a         call       r13                                         ; _objc_msgSend
000000010001345d         mov        rsi, qword [ds:0x100727778]                 ; @selector(isRegistered), argument "selector" for method _objc_msgSend
0000000100013464         mov        rdi, rax                                    ; argument "instance" for method _objc_msgSend
0000000100013467         call       r13                                         ; _objc_msgSend
000000010001346a         test       al, al
000000010001346c         jmp        0x10001374f
0000000100013471         nop        

And replace the jne or je around 0x10001346c (before last line) by a jmp as illustrated which will make the code skip over the fireTimer code and not install it at all.

Eliminating the Obtrusive Menu Items

You will have to use NibUnlocker and locate the MainMenu.nib file in and covert it to a MainMenu.xib. Then, opening up MainMenu.xib, you will find in that file the following pattern:

                                <object class="NSMenuItem" id="17">
                                    <int key="NSMnemonicLoc">2147483647</int>
                                    <reference key="NSMenu" ref="7"/>
                                    <string key="NSKeyEquiv"></string>
                                    <int key="NSTag">55</int>
                                    <string key="NSTitle">Buy Lyn</string>
                                    <reference key="NSOnImage" ref="680"/>
                                    <reference key="NSMixedImage" ref="681"/>
                                <object class="NSMenuItem" id="20">
                                    <int key="NSMnemonicLoc">2147483647</int>
                                    <reference key="NSMenu" ref="7"/>
                                    <string key="NSKeyEquiv"></string>
                                    <int key="NSTag">56</int>
                                    <string key="NSTitle">Enter Serial Number...</string>
                                    <reference key="NSOnImage" ref="680"/>
                                    <reference key="NSMixedImage" ref="681"/>

which are both the menu items Buy Lyn, respectively Enter Serial Number… that we want to remove.

The procedure is simple:

  • Delete the entire block mentioned above from the file.
  • Search the entire file for ref="17" (the reference to the Buy Lyn button) and delete the immediate parent block that contains ref="17".
  • Similarly, search the entire file for ref="20" (the reference to the Enter Serial Number… button) and delete the parent block that contains ref="20".


cracks/lyn/1.6.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 08:28 by

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