Table of Contents

Reasons for Not Using Docker

U.S. Senator on the implementation of rigorous legislation of cryptocurrencies: "This is a solution to a problem that does not yet exist."

Automatically Update Container Images

The Watchtower container can be ran along with the other containers, will automatically monitor the various docker containers and will then automatically stop the containers, update the image and restart the containers.

Similarly, for swarms, shepherd is able to be deployed within a swarm in order to update containers.

Rebalance Swarm

The following command:

docker service ls -q | xargs -n1 docker service update --detach=false --force

will list all the services within a swarm and then force the services to be re-balanced and distributed between the nodes of the swarm.

After executing the command, all nodes can be checked with:

docker ps

to see which service got redistributed to which node.

One idea is to run the rebalancing command using crontab in order to periodically rebalance the swarm.

Run a Shell in Container within a Swarm

Typically, to open a console, the user would write:

docker run -it CONTAINER bash


However, given that containers are distributed in a swarm, one should first locate on which node the container is running by issuing:

docker service ps CONTAINER


The output will display in one of the columns the current node that the container is executing on. Knowing the node, the shell of the node has to be accessed and then the command:

docker ps 

can be used to retrieve the container ID (first column).

Finally, the console can be started within the distributed container by issuing:

docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID sh


Pushing to Private Registry

The syntax is as follows: