Table of Contents


Scratch Copy is a project to build a tool that allows uploading and downloading assets in order to share them on the Internet by using generated short links.


Scratch Copy can be found in the Wizardry and Steamworks SVN repository. You can checkout the entire project by issuing the command:

svn co

to a local directory.


The project has server-side requirements for serving the pages and client-side requirements for interacting with Scratch Copy.



The client requires a modern web-browser, with JavaScript enabled and the ability to accept cookies. Scratch Copy uses cookies to set parameters - such as remembering the state of the sound toggle on the main page.

Install Instructions

<VirtualHost *:80>
        # The web administrator E-Mail
        ServerAdmin admin@scratch.cpy
        # The domain name.
        ServerName scratch.cpy
        # Scratch Copy requires the XSendFile module to be enabled.
        XSendFile On
        # The path to the directory where files will be uploaded.
        # Preferably, this path should be outside the document root.
        XSendFilePath /var/www/incoming
        # The path to the directory where the Scratch Copy scripts
        # and files will reside.
        DocumentRoot /var/www/scratch.cpy
        <Directory /var/www/scratch.cpy>
                Options FollowSymLinks
                # Scratch Copy comes with a custom .htaccess file
                # such that this option would be enabled.
                AllowOverride All
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all
        # The directory where the files are uploaded should not
        # allow Apache to create directory indexes and should 
        # not be able to be browsed directly.
        <Directory /var/www/incoming>
                Options -Indexes
        # These are set by Apache and configure the path to the log files.
        ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/scratch.cpy-error.log
        CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/scratch.cpy-access.log common
svn co .


The following configuration keys are necessary: