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AvaLife is a mobile virtual reality game similar to SecondLife where currency can be generated by participating in various activities. One such activity is the fashion voting game that can apparently be played endlessly and can be very nicely exploited.

Fashion Voting Game

The AvaLife fashion voting game asks the player to pick an image out of two images of AvaLife avatars letting the player to decide which avatar from the two images wears some fashion item best.

When the player picks an image, a boost is granted and a gauge fills towards receiving a prize. In case the player picks the image that most other players picked, a larger boost is received.

 Oh no, not this shit again! Very nice! Endorsed confirmation bias!

Ultimately, it makes little difference which image gets picked because both choices contribute towards the end goal.

Once the gauge is filled, three reward boxes pop up and the player has to chose between the three. The boxes contain random prizes, such as: a time booster, experience, gold coins, diamonds, etc…


Using adb from the Android Development Kit, a computer can be used to simulate button presses and randomly pick an image and keep on playing for hours.

For this to work, the screen has to be measured in order to determine the pixel coordinates corresponding to:

Fortunately, the left and right images also correspond to the leftmost and rightmost reward boxes such that determining the pixel coordinates of the middle box does not matter much.

In order to determine the pixel coordinates, the easiest way is to enable the developer options and then follow the menu sequence Developer options→Show taps. The option will extend an overlay on top of the screen and will indicate above the status bar the $X$ and $Y$ coordinates. Using the Show taps option, the pixel coordinates for the aforementioned three images can be jotted down and then used in combination with a bash script.

The Script

The coordinates in the CONFIGURATION section have to be replaced.

##  Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2018 - License: GNU GPLv3      ##
##                            CONFIGURATION                              ##
# Set this to an (x,y) coordinate pair within the bounding box of the left
# fashion voting image. 
LEFT_IMAGE="430 651"
# The (x,y) coordinate pair corresponding to the right fashion voting
# image.
RIGHT_IMAGE="1526 600"
# The (x,y) coordinate pair of the "Start voting" button.
##                              INTERNALS                                ##
while true; do
    # Coin toss: random number between 1 and 2
    TOSS=$((1 + RANDOM % 2))
    # Tick the [] I am not a robot box.
    sleep $((2 + RANDOM % 4))
    if [ $TOSS = 1 ]; then
        # Tap left model
        adb shell input tap $LEFT_IMAGE
        # Tap right model
        adb shell input tap $RIGHT_IMAGE
    sleep 1
    # Tap start voting button
    adb shell input tap $START_VOTING_BUTTON


Start AvaLife and click the airplane icon, followed by the games image, followed by the fashion contest image, followed by the voting image. Once the screen loads up and you are prompted with the "Start voting" button, connect your Android to the PC and execute the script. Enjoy! ^_^