Group Notices

6 June 2016

  • Release 9.87 - Removed language detection.

5 June 2016

  • Release 9.86 - added language detection.

4 November 2015

  • Release 9.36 - changes to the notice notification to provide more data.

21 December 2014

  • Release 7.34 - extended to also send inventory accepted / declined messages when Corrade is sending a notification with an attachment.
notice (Notifications)
TypeCorrade progressive notification
Datatype, firstname, lastname, agent, message, subject, session, attachments, asset, folder, group
DescriptionGroup notices received.
Last ChangesRelease 9.87 - Removed language detection.
Data Description
type The type of the notification.
firstname The first name of the person sending the message.
lastname The last name of the person sending the message.
agent The UUID of the person sending the notice.
message The notice message sent.
subject The subject of the notice message.
session The message session.
attachments True if the notice contains an attachment.
asset The asset type if the notice contains an attachment or Unknown otherwise.
folder The UUID of the folder where the attachment would be saved.
group The name of the group for which the notice has been sent.