
27 May 2017

  • Release 9.164 - added the altitude and amount parameters.

7 October 2015

  • Release 9.27 - added.
terraform (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionThe terraform command allows you to terraform land.
Parametersgroup, password
Last ChangesRelease 9.164 - added the altitude and amount parameters.

The terraform command allows you to terraform land.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Required Abilities Example
terraform group, password land
            // Raise the land 1m at a given point
            // with the size equal to a 1m square
            // using the small brush.
            "command", "terraform",
            "group", wasURLEscape(GROUP),
            "password", wasURLEscape(PASSWORD),
            // the size in meters -1 to lower 1m, 1 to raise 1m
            "amount", "1",
            // the width and height of the rectangle
            "width", "0.5",
            "height", "0.5",
            // Raise the land
            "action", "Raise",
            // Use brush size
            "brush", "Small",
            // the terraform rectangle centre in region local coordinates
            "position", wasURLEscape("<197.27211, 71.869392, 0>"),
            "callback", wasURLEscape(URL)

In order to better understand how the terraform command works, consider a rectangular parallelepiped projected onto the a plane that represents the region map:

                               /.        /|
                              / .       / |
                             /  .      /  |
                            /   .     /   |
          +----------------+---------+    |
          ^                |    .    |    |
          |         NW +---|    .    |    |--------------+
          |           /////|    .    |    |//////////////
  amount  |          //////|    +....|....+------------------+
          |         ///////|   .     |   //////////////     /
          |        ////////|  .   x  |  //////////////     /
          |       /////////| .     position//////////     /  height
          v      //////////|.        |//////////////     /
                           |         |          SE

With the following observations:

Parameter Possible Value Description
action Any member name of the TerraformAction enumeration. Whether to raise, lower, flatten, etc…
brush Any member name of the TerraformBrushSize enumeration. The brush size.
Optional Parameter Possible Value Description
amount Positive or negative integer. The size in meters (negative to lower, positive to raise, default is $1m$).
altitude An altitude in meters. The altitude at which to apply the brush (default is $0m$, ground level).

Terraform Demonstration