Soft-Ban Group Members

22 October 2016

  • Release 9.138 - changed the meaning of the command.

21 August 2016

  • Release 9.118 - added the import and export actions.

21 August 2016

  • Release 9.117 - added.
softban (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionThe softban command can be used to soft-ban, soft-unban and query the soft-ban list for a given group.
Permissionsgroup, mute
Parametersgroup, password, avatars
Last ChangesRelease 9.138 - changed the meaning of the command.

The softban command can be used to soft-ban, soft-unban and query the soft-ban list for a given group. Contrasted to the ban command, the soft-ban command acts upon a separate list that Corrade maintains that is independent of the server-side (grid) group ban list but is also able to temporarily add an avatar to the server-side (grid) group ban list.

The softban command, when invoked with the action parameter set to ban adds agents to Corrade's internal soft-ban list. Additionally, if a list of minutes is passed to the time parameter, then Corrade will additionally add the avatars to the server-side (grid) group ban list and will remove the ban from the server-side (grid) group ban list after the specified time has elapsed. In case the time passed to the time parameter has elapsed, then Corrade removes the avatar from the server-side (grid) group ban list but keeps the avatar in the soft-ban list. In case the avatar joins the group again, then the avatar will be ejected and added again to the server-side (grid) group ban list until the next expiration. In case a time parameter has not been supplied when banning with action set to ban, Corrade will just add the avatars to its internal soft-ban list and eject them every time they rejoin the group. softban is meant as a wrapper to the Linden Lab group ban functionality since group ban entries are limited to 500 avatars. By using softban you can prevent banned avatars from quickly rejoining the group and also avoid the 500 entry limitation.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Required Group Abilities Example
softban group, password, avatars group, mute * If the eject parameter is set to True: * Membership→Eject Members from this Group
* Roles→Remove Members from Roles
            "command", "softban",
            "group", wasURLEscape(GROUP),
            "password", wasURLEscape(PASSWORD),
            // ban some avatars
            "action", "ban",
            "avatars", wasURLEscape(
                        "Philip Linden",
                        // ban by UUID
            // A list of minutes for which the avatars should
            // be added to the built-in (grid) group ban list.
            "time", wasListToCSV(
                    2, // minutes to ban avatar "Philip Linden"
                    10 // minutes to ban avatar "ff19c6b5-4824-4de3-995a-d739d588cf18"
            "callback", wasURLEscape(URL)
Parameter Possible Value Parameter Possible Value Optional Parameter Possible Value Description
action ban time A CSV list of minutes. Soft-ban avatars from a group as well as optionally adding them to the built-in (grid) group ban list for the specified period of time (in minutes).
schedule time A CSV list of minutes. Change the period for which avatars will be added to the server-side (grid) group ban list.
unban Soft-unban an avatar from the group.
list Return a CSV list of avatar names by UUIDs.
import entity group Import the calling group's ban list into the Corrade-managed soft-ban list.
entity mute Import the agents muted by the account Corrade is connected on into the Corrade-managed soft-ban list for the calling group.
export entity group Add all agents from the Corrade-managed soft-ban list to the group ban list. Corrade will fail and report an error in case the group ban list bounds would be overstepped.
entity mute flags Make Corrade add all the avatars in the soft-ban list to the Corrade mute list - optionally with flags set to one or more MuteFlags.
Optional Parameter Possible Value Description
target A group name or UUID. The group to act upon. If this parameter is omitted, then the command acts upon the configured group passed to the group parameter.

The command will return a list of avatars that could not be soft-banned, soft-unbanned or ejected from the the group.