Set Region Terrain Textures

6 October 2016

  • Release 9.133 - The command now can take a path instead of a name.

26 September 2015

  • Release 9.19 - added.
setregionterraintextures (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionThe setregionterraintextures command sets the estate textures for the current region. The command requires that Corrade is an estate manager.
Parametersgroup, password, data
Last ChangesRelease 9.133 - The command now can take a path instead of a name.

The setregionterraintextures command sets the estate textures for the current region. The command requires that Corrade is an estate manager.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Required Abilities Example
setregionterraintextures group, password, data land Corrade must be an estate manager.
            "command", "setregionterraintextures",
            "group", wasURLEscape(GROUP),
            "password", wasURLEscape(PASSWORD),
            "data", wasListToCSV(
                    "sand", // Low
                    "39827078-24b1-49bf-bd15-32d2dd4c4787", // Middle Low
                    "e68ef846-e757-4fcd-b4e8-0929b05a3ddc", // Middle High
                    "a143a98c-7d1f-49cd-afe4-ccb2f01482ba" // High
            "callback", wasURLEscape(URL)

The CSV list passed to the "data" key can consist of texture UUIDs or the path to a texture in Corrade's inventory. This command is compatible with the getregionterraintextures command.