Set Estate Covenant

6 October 2016

  • Release 9.133 - The command now can take a path instead of a name.

03 July 2016

  • Release 9.97 - added.
setestatecovenant (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionThe setestatecovenant command can be used to set the estate covenant for the current region provided that Corrade is an estate manager for the current region.
Parametersgroup, password, item
Last ChangesRelease 9.133 - The command now can take a path instead of a name.

The setestatecovenant command can be used to set the estate covenant for the current region provided that Corrade is an estate manager for the current region.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Required Abilities Example
setestatecovenant group, password, item land
            "command", "setestatecovenant",
            "group", wasURLEscape(GROUP),
            "password", wasURLEscape(PASSWORD),
            "item", "68a689bb-4155-4574-887e-9a114323905f",
            "callback", wasURLEscape(URL)
Parameter Possible Value Meaning
item An inventory UUID of a notecard in Corrade's inventory or the path to an inventory item. Change the covenant of the current region using the asset UUID of a notecard or the name of a notecard in Corrade's inventory.