Freeze an Agent

7 June 2015

  • Release 8.22 - added the optional region parameter.
parcelfreeze (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionGiven estate manager rights, Corrade can freeze an agent by name using the parcelfreeze command.
Parametersgroup, password, firstname, lastname (or agent by UUID), freeze
Last ChangesRelease 8.22 - added the optional region parameter.

Given estate manager rights, Corrade can freeze an agent by name using the parcelfreeze command.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Required Group Abilities Example
parcelfreeze group, password, firstname, lastname (or agent by UUID), freeze land Parcel Access→Eject and freeze Residents on parcels
            "command", "parcelfreeze",
            "group", wasURLEscape(GROUP),
            "password", wasURLEscape(PASSWORD),
            // or "agent", "69ce412b-dffc-436d-86ff-d788bfa66d9d"
            "firstname", "Sleepy",
            "lastname", "Resident",
            /// true or false
            "freeze", "true"
Optional Parameters Possible Value Description
position A vector. A position over a parcel, or, if not specified, the affected parcel is the one that Corrade is currently on.
region A string representing a region name. Attempt to perform the command on the specified region. Note that Corrade must be connected to that region. If in doubt, please use the getconnectedregions command to determine whether the region you want to specify is currently connected.