Get Primitive Owners

7 June 2015

  • Release 8.22 - added the optional region parameter.
getprimitiveowners (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionThe getprimitiveowners command allows you to query the number of primitives and the avatars that own them on the current parcel or the entire region.
Parametersgroup, password
Last ChangesRelease 8.22 - added the optional region parameter.

The getprimitiveowners command allows you to query the number of primitives and the avatars that own them on the current parcel or the entire region. To query a specific parcel, you supply a vector to the position parameter which is a position within the parcel to query. Otherwise, if the position parameter is not supplied, Corrade assumes that you are querying the entire region.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Required Group Abilities Example
getprimitiveowners group, password land * Parcel Content→Return objects owned by group
* Parcel Content→Return objects set to group
* Parcel Content→Return non-group objects
            // retrieve the owners of primitives
            // on the current region (all parcels)
            "command", "getprimitiveowners",
            "group", wasURLEscape(GROUP),
            "password", wasURLEscape(PASSWORD),
            "callback", wasURLEscape(URL)
Optional Parameters Description
position A vector within the bounds of the parcel to query for owners and their primitives.
region Attempt to perform the command on the specified region. Note that Corrade must be connected to that region. If in doubt, please use the getconnectedregions command to determine whether the region you want to specify is currently connected.

The command returns a CSV list of owner names, by owner UUIDs, by total primitive count.