Get Appearance Data for Multiple Avatars

22 April 2020

  • C10 - added.
getavatarsappearancedata (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionThe getavatarsappearancedata returns fields or properties specified in data of all avatar appearances on the current simulator or specified parcel.
Parametersgroup, password, entity, data
Last ChangesNone.

The getavatarsappearancedata returns fields or properties specified in data of all avatar appearances on the current simulator or specified parcel.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Example
getavatarsappearancedata group, password, entity, data interact
            // retrieves the visual parameters
            // of all the avatars in a 10m
            // range from Corrade.
            "command", "getavatarsappearancedata",
            "group", wasURLEscape(GROUP),
            "password", wasURLEscape(PASSWORD),
            "entity", "range",
            "range", 10,
            "data", wasCSVToList([
            "callback", wasURLEscape(URL)

The data parameter can be supplied a CSV list of fields or properties from the libopenmetaverse AvatarAppearanceEventArgs structure.

Parameter Possible Value Sub-Parameter Possible Value Description
entity range range A range in meters. Retrieves avatar appearance data for all avatars in the specified range where the range is the length of a versor from Corrade's current position describing a sphere.
parcel position An LSL 3D Vector. Retrieves avatar appearance data for all avatars on the parcel pin-pointed by position.
region Retrieves avatar appearance data for all avatars on the current region.
avatar agent Either an avatar UUID passed to agent or the firstname passed to firstname and lastname passed to lastname Retrieves avatar appearance data for the specified avatar.
