Create a Tree

18 August 2015

  • Release 8.41 - added.
createtree (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionCorrade can create a Linden tree by using the createtree command.
Parametersgroup, password, position, type
Last ChangesRelease 8.41 - added.

Corrade can create a Linden tree by using the createtree command.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Example
createtree group, password, position, type interact
            "command", "createtree",
            "group", wasURLEscape(GROUP),
            "password", wasURLEscape(PASSWORD),
            // create the tree at the same location
            // as the primitive that contains this
            // script
            "position", wasURLEscape(
            // create an oak tree
            "type", "Oak"

Type is one of the tree types of the Tree enumeration.

Optional Parameter Possible Value Description
range A range in meters. The spherical distance from Corrade in which to locate the item.
rotation A rotation in quaternions. The primitive rotation. If not specified, the primitive will have a zero rotation.
region A region name. The region where to create the primitive. If not specified, the primitive will be created in the local simulator.
scale A vector describing the scale of the primitive to create. The size of the the primitive to create. If not specified the primitive will be scaled to $0.5m$ on all three axes.