Batch Set Object Rotations for Multiple Objects

31 July 2019

  • C10 - added the selection parameter.

10 November 2018

  • Release 10.1 - added.
batchsetobjectrotations (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionThe batchsetobjectrotations command can be used to set the rotations for multiple objects.
Parametersgroup, password, item
Last ChangesRelease 10.1 - added.

The batchsetobjectrotations command can be used to set the rotations of multiple objects.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Example
batchsetobjectrotations group, password, item interact
            "command", "batchsetobjectrotations",
            "group", wasURLEscape(GROUP),
            "password", wasURLEscape(PASSWORD),
            "item", wasURLEscape(
                        // Quaternion in vector format.
                        "<10, 230, 113, 0>",
                        "<15, 10, 20, 200>"
            "range", 5
Optional Parameter Possible Value Description
range A range in meters. The spherical distance from Corrade in which to locate the item.
selection attached, rezzed or all (default: all) Either attached, rezzed or all for selecting only primitives or objects attached to avatars, primitives or objects rezzed in-world or all primitives or objects respectively.
