
This is a basic map teleporter that takes the destination from the object description. Drop this script in a primitive and set the destination to something like:

Royal Palm#<128,20,3000>

where Royal Palm is the simulator name and the vector <128,20,3000> is a position on that simulator.


//  Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2012 - License: GNU GPLv3      //
//  Please see: for legal details,  //
//  rights of fair usage, the disclaimer and warranty conditions.        //
default {
    touch_start(integer total_number) {
        list a = llParseString2List(llGetObjectDesc(), ["#"], []);
        if(llGetListLength(a) != 2) return;
        vector dPos = ZERO_VECTOR;
        list v = llParseString2List(llList2String(a,1), ["<", ",", ">"], []);
        dPos.x = llList2Float(v, 0);
        dPos.y = llList2Float(v, 1);
        dPos.z = llList2Float(v, 2);
        llMapDestination(llList2String(a, 0), dPos, ZERO_VECTOR);