Table of Contents


This work is derived from the fish spawner script and extended to include some new parameters. The goal has been to make the scripts more generic in order to fit different types of items being spawned.


The item contains the following notecard placed along the script and the item inside the rezzer primitive and can be edited to make various configuration changes:

# The initial rotation of the item as it is rezzed in degrees around each axis.
rotation = <0, 90, 0>

# This is the dampening time in seconds that the items will use to move to their next destination. 
# Intuitively the larger the number the slower the movement and the smaller the number the faster the 
# items will move. This setting must be an integer above 0.
dampening = "10"

# The maximum distance in meters from the item spawner that the items will be rezzed and move in. 
# This does not mean that the items will not get close to the spawner, but rather represents the 
# maximum distance that the items will be allowed to stray away from its spawner.
radius = "5"

# Fishes will rez at "rate" item / second. Increasing the rate will rez more items and decreasing the rate will
# rez fewer items in a 1 second time-frame.
rate = ".2"

# "origin" is a positional vector within a simulator that the items will consider to be the point of origin 
# from where the "radius" is measured. This is an optional parameter, and if left out, the items will 
# assume that the origin is where they are rezzed. You only need this if you want the spawner to rez 
# items at a given destination and let them wander around that particular point.
# origin = <128, 128, 128>
