Table of Contents


Bridges are used in the introductory phase to the Tor network and help bypass censorship by first connecting to a server that is not known to be part of the Tor network. Out of all bridge transports, Snowflake sounds perhaps the most promising because it leverages WebRTC and the bridge itself is installable by any user that uses a browser.

Although less popular than the standard OBFS4, Snowflake is perhaps the most convenient since the bridge runs on any browser that has an addon installed. This means extremely low requirements and low commitment necessary on the users that want to help with anonymizing connections via the Tor network.

The following guide will offer some notes on using the Snowflake bridge. It is assumed that Tor is already configured on the network and more details on configuring Tor will not be shared except showing the configuration changes necessary to make Snowflake work.

Browser Addon

The following addresses link to browser addons for various browsers:

Once the addon has been installed, the browser itself becomes a bridge and helps other tor users use your browser as a bridge to the Tor network.

In order to use Snowflake as a bridge:


Compiling from Source

Clone the Snowflake source code:

git clone

Change directory to the client:

cd snowflake/client

Get the necessary dependencies and compile:

go get
go build

This results in a binary named client placed in the same directory where the compiling commands have been issued. The binary can be copied to, say, /usr/local/bin/snowflake-client:

cp client /usr/local/bin/snowflake-client

Configuring Snowflake

Conveniently, the Snowflake client directory contains a sample Tor configuration file torrc that contains the necessary changes that have to be made. In short, only two lines have to be copied to the Tor configuration file.

Note that the following lines are just the bare minimum to configure Snowflake and it is not a replacement for the entire Tor configuration you might have.

# Bridges must be enabled.
UseBridges 1

# Long line configuring the snowflake bridge.
Bridge snowflake 2B280B2...

# Using the compiled Snowflake client as a transport client.
ClientTransportPlugin snowflake exec /usr/local/bin/snowflake -log /var/log/snowflake.log


Restart Tor and watch /var/log/snowflake.log as well as the Tor log for activity. Given consensus, Tor should print out that the network has been fully boostraped and is ready to be used.

Using Snowflake on OpenWrt

OpenWrt does not yet bundle the Snowflake bridge transport such that it has to be compiled or cross-compiled on OpenWrt. Aside from low-memory conditions on an OpenWrt router, OpenWrt seems to fail compiling Snowflake such that it has to be cross compiled. Here are some orientative steps for cross-compiling on a Linux system without even having to download the OpenWrt toolchain:

git clone
export GOARCH=mips
export GOMIPS=softfloat
cd snowflake/client
go get
go build