Table of Contents


To allow SRS WOW HD to run on all Windows Mobile devices, note down the value of the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE→Drivers→BuiltIn→WaveDev→Device and then place that value in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE→Drivers→BuiltIn→WaveDev→Old Driver after installing SRS WOW HD.

Preventing RNDIS-related Errors

The error: Unable to obtain a server-assigned IP address. Try again later or enter an IP address in Network settings. pops-up in case you accidentally changed the adapter settings for the RNDIS driver. In order to suppress the error browse to Settings→Connections→Network Cards and select the Remote-NDIS Host. On the page that pops-up select Use specific IP address and enter some unassigned IP details such as:

IP address:
Subnet mask:

and then click ok to save and exit.

Pocket Console

In order to get Pocket Console to work on Windows Mobile, you need to navigate to the registry setting HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE→Drivers→Console\OutputTo and change the value from 4294967295 (0xFFFFFFFF in hex) to 0.

Switch Between Hive-Based and File-Based Registry

The registry key at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE→System→ObjectStore→RegistryType can be set to:

Windows Mobile does not support memory-based registry.

Enable and Set File System Cache

The file system cache is controlled by the key at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE→System→StorageManager→FATFS where the key EnableCache can be set to 1 to enable, respectively 0 to disable. After that the cache size is controlled by the CacheSize key.

Similarly the key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE→System→StorageManager→Filters→fsreplxfilt→ReplyStoreCacheSize controls the store cache size and can be modified.