"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist" is the only ninja turtles game available for the Megadrive and it seems to be a fair success making it a great option for a two person multiplayer game. The game is decently paced, it is short enough to not drag out for too long and is balanced in terms of being able to complete the game with decent gameplay.
In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist, the game is designed to reward an extra life starting with 100 kills, then at 300 kill, etc. such that one way of sustaining your life is to quickly dispatch any incoming mobs. Fortunately, compared to Turtles in Time, The Hyperstone Heist game allows more control over what moves are performed and when. One trick is to get close to enemies and quickly tap the attack button resulting in one of the enemies being caught and then thrown from side to side. While the enemy is thrown from side to side any damage to other enemies caught in the whirlwind is instantly fatal such that larger groups of mobs can be killed with just one single move. The main tactic leveraging this particularity of The Hyperstone Heist would be to attempt and rack up as many kills as possible in order to increase the amount of lives. The game becomes fairly easily completable with one single continue.
On the second level, it is sufficient to stay in the top upper left side of the screen in order to evade the alien enemies that jump around. In principle, the enemies are 1-hit score such that the players might think about using them to boost the score towards obtaining one more life, but in reality the jumping around is fairly chaotic such that losing life vs. scoring might tilt the balance towards safety.
Some of the bosses in "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist" are patterned to the point of flawless victory over them being plausibly repeatable. This section summarizes some of the bosses and how to defeat them without even having to lose a single bar of life.
L. Head is one of the earliest bosses to be found on level three in the sewers and L. Head is a highly patterned boss.
Note that one of the difficulties, in particular in multiplayer, is that the other player might not be aware that four attacks are sufficient and then both players attack at the same time messing up the sequence such that L. Head ends up rushing earlier and damaging the players. Secondly, there is a split second available between the last, fourth attack, and the boss rushing the players and for that split second the player must remember to jump out of harms way and to the other side of the screen.
L. Head is somewhat similar to Rocksteady, it's just that Rocksteady gives ample forewarning when it's going to charge due to the rush animation starting sooner, whereas with L. Head, when the player sees the running animation it's already too late to jump.
Rocksteady is similar to L. Head, and the exact same tactic as for L. Head can be used in order to obtain a flawless victory. In some regards, Rocksteady is easier because the rush / dash animation starts well-before Rocksteady starts charging such that there is ample forewarning to get out of the way compared to L. Head.
Although not shown in the video, there is one chaotic element of Rocksteady that happens from time to time, and that is Rocksteady using his legs to kick the player in front of him and it is unsure whether that move can be anticipated as well in order to obtain a guaranteed flawless victory. However, for the most part, Rocksteady is also one of the easiest bosses due to being highly patterned.
The final boss, Shredder is fairly easy even though at first sight he seems impossible to hit due to his fast moves. In any case, the player can't be slacking off because the timing is pretty tight. In essence, the tactic consists entirely in getting behind Shredder after one of his attacks, regardless of the color, and then landing as many hits on him as possible. Depending on the color of the attack, Shredder recovers sometimes faster than usual, such that the player must get in place as soon as possible and wait till the attack is over in order to land hits. Maybe, the easiest attack Shredder does that allows the player to get in place easily, is the blue attack, due to a ball of plasma being shot upward without affecting the area in front of Shredder too much. However, with enough practice, the players can manage to get in place behind Shredder regardless of the type of the attack.
Using this tactic and rinse and repeating a few times will defeat Shredder in no time. In many ways, due to the consistency of the pattern, Shredder is even easier than say, Tatsu, that does not have a clear pattern. The orange player with the Sais, Raphael, in the recording above, is demonstrating the tactic (and Leonardo is getting mauled, admittedly).