Non-Hacky Invici-Mode

One way to prevent getting ganked by the cannibals and the mutants, that unfortunately always somehow magically find your way to you and then will eventually attack, is to perform a corpse-run to the top of the the mountain in the middle of the map. At the top of the map, you will find two golf carts that are indestructible, make the driver almost invincible and consist in the easiest way to mow down entire swats of cannibals or mutants that come your way.

Golf carts seem to be the ultimate way of transportation: you can throw yourself over a cliff with one of these and you will end up bouncing and rolling on the floor with no damage to the cart or yourself, you can tear up any mobs limb-to-limb with it just by running them over, the cart recharges using sunlight so there is no refueling or repair necessary in any way and go figure that you can drive up a $90^\circ$ steep hill with it and it will climb.

Climbing any Mountain

Mountains can be easily climbed just by holding down the forward button and then mashing the space bar and irrespective of the stamina available, the player will end up climbing any mountain, regardless how steep. The other way is to use a Golf cart that apparently can climb up mountains no matter how steep even better than jumping incessantly.