Table of Contents

Speed Tweaks

Polipo seems to perform best when it is not tampered with and while it uses the default settings.

## Cache
# If polipo is not used by more than one person.
cacheIsShared = false

## Network
# Do not perform IPv6 queries. A minor speed-up.
dnsQueryIPv6 = no

## Webserver
# Disables all of polipo's internal webserver features
# which is a good idea if they are not used or needed.
disableConfiguration = true
disableLocalInterface = true
localDocumentRoot = ""
disableIndexing = true

## Privacy
# Disabling sending hostname or IP to upstream proxies.
disableVia = true
# Censors headers, the following do not seem to break anything.
censoredHeaders = from,accept-language,x-pad,link
censorReferer = maybe

## Blocking
# It will never resolve to anything.
forbiddenUrl = about:blank

Ad Blocking

You can retrieve the current list of spam domains from the spam domains page and copy the domains.txt file to /etc/polipo/forbidden and let polipo filter out most ads.

Compared to dansguardian, squidGuard, privoxy and tinyproxy, it appears that polipo has the most efficient filtering system:

Suppress Forbidden Output

This hack will suppress any output on HTTP 403 Forbidden and is useful in combination with a forbidden file that allows you to specify which domains to block such that an empty document is returned instead of a ghastly error message:

--- http.c.orig	2014-03-05 15:23:19.000000000 +0000
+++ http.c	2014-03-05 15:26:34.118668644 +0000
@@ -855,7 +855,7 @@
         htmlMessage[MIN(i, 99)] = '\0';
-    if(code != 304) {
+    if(code != 304 && code != 403) {
         body = get_chunk();
         if(!body) {
             do_log(L_ERROR, "Couldn't allocate body buffer.\n");

 Oh no, not this shit again! The reasoning behind polipo's forbidden file is severely flawed. The author claims that the forbidden file "specifies the set of URLs that should never be fetched". However, polipo internally manages the forbidden file as a list of URLs that will return HTTP 403 to the client which is different from what the author claims. The result is that failed outcomes from an authentication procedure (ie: through HTTP) will return the same error code as any other domain from the forbidden file. This is wrong. Do not use this patch if you authenticate to services that return HTTP 403 on failure or you will get a blank document.