
A handy implementation of character-based stack.


//    Copyright (C) 2017 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3    //
//                                                                       //
//   charStack                                                           //
//                                                                       //
//   An implementation of a stack of ASCII characters [0-255].           //
//   Implemented functions:                                              //
//       - push                                                          //
//       - pop                                                           //
//       - is empty                                                      //
//       - count                                                         //
//       - size                                                          //
//       - print                                                         //
//                                                                       //
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Zero or one arguments for charStackCreate_Internal.
#define charStackCreate_0() charStackCreate_Internal(1)
#define charStackCreate_1(x) charStackCreate_Internal(x)
#define charStackCreate(...) _FUNC_OVERRIDE(charStackCreate_1(__VA_ARGS__), charStackCreate_0())
#define charStackIsEmpty(s) s->top == 0
#define charStackSize(s) s->size
#define charStackCount(s) s->top
// Stack structure.
typedef struct {
   int size;
   int **store;
   int top;
} charStack;
// Stack constructor.
charStack* charStackCreate_Internal(int size) {
   charStack *s = (charStack*)calloc(1, sizeof(charStack));
   if ((s->store = (int**)calloc(size, sizeof(int *))) == NULL)
       return NULL;
   s->size = size;
   s->top = 0;
   return s;
charStack* charStackCreate_Empty() {
   charStack *s = (charStack*)calloc(1, sizeof(charStack));
   if ((s->store = (int**)calloc(1, sizeof(int *))) == NULL)
       return NULL;
   s->size = 1;
   s->top = 0;
   return s;
// Clear the stack of items.
charStack* charStackClear(charStack *s) {
    if (s != NULL)
    return charStackCreate(1);
// Pushes an item onto the stack.
void charStackPush(charStack *s, int *e) {
   if (s->top > s->size - 1)
       s->store = (int**)realloc(s->store, ++s->size * sizeof(int *));
   s->store[s->top] = (int*)calloc(1, sizeof(int));
   memcpy(s->store[s->top], e, 1);
// Pops an element off the stack and returns it.
int *charStackPop(charStack *s) {
   int *e;
   if (charStackIsEmpty(s))
       return NULL;
   e = (int *)calloc(1, sizeof(int *));
   memcpy(e, s->store[s->top], 1);
   return e;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    charStack *s = charStackCreate();
    int *c = (int *) calloc(1, sizeof(int));
    *c = 43;
    charStackPush(s, c);
    *c = 65;
    charStackPush(s, c);
    *c = 66;
    charStackPush(s, c);
    printf("%c\n", *charStackPop(s));
    printf("%c\n", *charStackPop(s));
    printf("%c\n", *charStackPop(s));
    return 0;