51.532031, -0.177286359, 1969-08-08 11:35
EXPLORE: 51.532031, -0.177286359, 2022-08-30 13:48:58
Created for the "Haunts" magic explanation and based on a the same hypothesis that not only revealed the trivial but also a symmetric response.
The images represents a time-based comparison between a cover by the Beatles from 1969 for the album "Abbey Road" to a modern image collected via Google street view from 2020. The Beatles cover on the left from 1969 in the image shows a Volskwagen Beetle car that is confirmed by Wikipedia:
"A white Volkswagen Beetle is to the left of the picture, parked next to the zebra crossing, which belonged to one of the people living in the block of flats across from the recording studio." -Wikipedia
The image on the right from 2022 shows a Trabant 601 matching roughly the same place and color with the following note on Wikipedia on the Trabant 601:
"In hindsight, the Trabant 601 can be considered East Germany's answer to West Germany's "People's Car", the VW Beetle." - Wikipedia
The placement seems intentional given that the Trabant 601 seems to be the symmetric equivalent, in terms of cars, of the Volkswagen Beetle. Note that the Volkswagen was white whereas the Trabant 601 in the image from 2022 is beige or creme, but the original cover for the Beatles album had an effect on it, like Sepia, that makes the Volkswagen match the Trabant.
The street view snapshots from 2022 seem to have more elements that would recreate the original scene, namely the black car and the bystander that are also there albeit not an exact match. Regrettably, there was no Russian grinning at the tourists and the car to be found "in the block of flats across from the recording studio" at least on Google street view at the given time mark. However, everyone seems to look away from the Trabant, the black car and the bystander.
Is this Russian or British humor, I can't tell anymore?! Someone call MI5.