Table of Contents


Screenshots can be taken using WHDLoad without extra needed hardware or software. Unfortunately, when you use WHDLoad to take a screenshot, WHDLoad has to terminate which does not make it a very good option.


You will need two packages:


Assuming that you have WHDLoad installed, you will need to extract the development package (WHDLoad_dev.lha) to RAM: for example. Then change directory to where you unpackaged WHDLoad_dev.lha and from inside the folder copy C/SP to C:.

Configuring WHDLoad

In order to take a screenshot, WHDLoad needs to first create dump files, after which we will be using the SP tool to extract the screenshot. We need to configure WHDLoad and add some extra options. In order to do that, edit S:WHDLoad.prefs and add or uncomment the lines:



You can of course alter the debug key by changing the $5b value to some other raw key code.

WHDLoad.prefs can now be saved and closed.

Taking the Screenshot

Start a game and when you want to take a screenshot, press the debug key (by default it is the closing bracket ) on the number pad) that you have configured in the previous section. If everything worked as expected, the game should quit you back to Workbench.

Next, navigate to the core dump path using a CLI. Assuming it is configured as above in T::

cd T:

and issue the command:


You should see the following newly created files:


Now to create the final output file, issue the command:

SP T:screenshot.iff

where T:screenshot.iff is the path to where the screenshot will be saved.
