#!/bin/sh ########################################################################### ## Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2015 - License: GNU GPLv3 ## ## Please see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for legal details, ## ## rights of fair usage, the disclaimer and warranty conditions. ## ########################################################################### # This script sets a zone's A record on CloudFlare to point to an Airport # basestation's external IP address and is meant to be run regularly. # # Requires a complete installation of SNMP along with relevant MIBs. # On Debian, the packages: snmp, snmp-mibs-downloader must be installed. # Airport MIB file must be downloaded from Apple and installed accordingly. ########################################################################### ## CONFIGURATION ## ########################################################################### # Airport IP or hostname AIRPORT_LOCAL_ADDRESS='' # Set this to the cloudflare zone name. DOMAIN='slap.com' # Set this to the A record name. RECORD_NAME='forward.slap.com' # Set this to your account e-mail address. EMAIL='mongoose@whatever.tld' # Set this to your CloudFlare API key. API_KEY='1d10ab0dd09abfda6cc3dd0a92ca75de75671' ########################################################################### ## INTERNALS ## ########################################################################### AIRPORT_EXTERNAL_ADDRRESS=`snmpwalk \ -v1 \ -c public $AIRPORT_LOCAL_ADDRESS \ -m AIRPORT-BASESTATION-3-MIB \ RFC1213-MIB::ipAdEntAddr | \ head -1 | \ awk '{ print $4 }'` #echo $AIRPORT_EXTERNAL_ADDRRESS if [ -z $AIRPORT_EXTERNAL_ADDRRESS ]; then echo "Unable to retrieve Airport external address." echo "Please check that the Airport has SNMP enabled." exit 1 fi FLARE=$(curl -s https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html \ -d 'a=rec_load_all' \ -d "tkn=$API_KEY" \ -d "email=$EMAIL" \ -d "z=$DOMAIN") if [ -z $FLARE ]; then echo "Unable to retrieve CloudFlare zone." echo "Please check the API key." exit 1 fi ZONE_ADDRESS=`echo $FLARE | sed -E "s/.*,\"name\":\"$RECORD_NAME\",[^}]*?,\"type\":\"A\",[^}]*?,\"content\":\"([0-9\.]+?)\",.*/\1/"` if [ -z $ZONE_ADDRESS ]; then echo "Unable to retrieve the CloudFlare zone IP address." exit 1 fi # if the airport external address matches the zone address terminate if [ $AIRPORT_EXTERNAL_ADDRRESS = $ZONE_ADDRESS ]; then exit 0 fi RECORD_ID=`echo $FLARE | sed -E "s/.*\"rec_id\":\"([0-9]+?)\",[^}]*?,\"name\":\"$RECORD_NAME\",[^}]*?,\"type\":\"A\",.*/\1/"` if [ -z $RECORD_ID ]; then echo "Unable to retrieve CloudFlare record ID for the zone." exit 1 fi FLARE=$(curl -s https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html \ -d 'a=rec_edit' \ -d "tkn=$API_KEY" \ -d "id=$RECORD_ID" \ -d "email=$EMAIL" \ -d "z=$DOMAIN" \ -d 'type=A' \ -d "name=$RECORD_NAME" \ -d "content=$AIRPORT_EXTERNAL_ADDRRESS" \ -d 'service_mode=0' \ -d 'ttl=1') RESULT=`echo $FLARE | sed -E "s/.*,\"result\":\"([^\,]*?)\",.*/\1/"` if [ $RESULT = "success" ]; then echo "$RECORD_NAME now points to $AIRPORT_EXTERNAL_ADDRRESS" exit 0 fi exit 1