/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2015 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // stringDoubleLinkedList // // // // An implementation of a double linked list of strings. // // Implemented functions: // // - insert after // // - insert before // // - is empty // // - count // // - size // // - print // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include /* The stringDoubleLinkedList node structure with prior pointing to the * previous element in the double linked list and later pointing to the * next element in the double linked list. */ typedef struct node { char *store; struct node *prior, *later; } stringDoubleLinkedListNode; /* * The stringDoubleLinkedList structure with head poiting to the first * element in the double linked list and tail pointing to the last element * in the doublelinked list. */ typedef struct { stringDoubleLinkedListNode *head, *tail; } stringDoubleLinkedList; /* * Creates a new stringDoubleLinkedList. */ stringDoubleLinkedList* stringDoubleLinkedListCreate(void) { stringDoubleLinkedList *l = (stringDoubleLinkedList*)calloc(1, sizeof(stringDoubleLinkedList)); l->head = (stringDoubleLinkedListNode*)calloc(3, sizeof(stringDoubleLinkedListNode *)); l->tail = l->head; l->tail->prior = NULL; l->tail->later = NULL; return l; } /* * Returns 1 in case the stringDoubleLinkedList is empty or 0 otherwise. */ int stringDoubleLinkedListIsEmpty(stringDoubleLinkedList *l) { return l->head->later == l->head->prior && l->head->store == NULL; } /* * Returns the number of elements in stringDoubleLinkedList. */ int stringDoubleLinkedListCount(stringDoubleLinkedList *l) { int count = 0; stringDoubleLinkedListNode *root = l->head; while (root != NULL) ++count; return count; } /* * Prints out the current stringDoubleLinkedList. */ void stringDoubleLinkedListPrint(stringDoubleLinkedList *l) { stringDoubleLinkedListNode *root; if (stringDoubleLinkedListIsEmpty(l)) { printf("Linked list is empty.\n"); return; } root = l->head; printf("Elements in linked list: "); while (root != NULL) { printf("%s ", root->store); root = root->later; } printf("\n"); } /* * Inserts a new element e in the stringDoubleLinkedList l before node n. */ void stringDoubleLinkedListInsertBefore(stringDoubleLinkedList *l, stringDoubleLinkedListNode *n, char *e) { stringDoubleLinkedListNode *root = l->head; stringDoubleLinkedListNode *node; while (root != NULL && root != n) root = root->later; node = (stringDoubleLinkedListNode*)calloc(3, sizeof(stringDoubleLinkedListNode *)); node->store = (char*)calloc(strlen(e) + 1, sizeof(char *)); memcpy(node->store, e, strlen(e) + 1); if (stringDoubleLinkedListIsEmpty(l)) { node->prior = NULL; node->later = NULL; l->head = node; l->tail = node; return; } node->later = n; if (n->prior != NULL) { node->prior = n->prior; (n->prior)->later = node; } n->prior = node; if (l->head->prior != NULL) l->head = l->head->prior; if (l->tail->later != NULL) l->tail = l->tail->later; } /* * Inserts a new element e in the stringDoubleLinkedList l after node n. */ void stringDoubleLinkedListInsertAfter(stringDoubleLinkedList *l, stringDoubleLinkedListNode *n, char *e) { stringDoubleLinkedListNode *root = l->head; stringDoubleLinkedListNode *node; while (root != NULL && root != n) root = root->later; node = (stringDoubleLinkedListNode*)calloc(3, sizeof(stringDoubleLinkedListNode *)); node->store = (char*)calloc(strlen(e) + 1, sizeof(char *)); memcpy(node->store, e, strlen(e) + 1); if (stringDoubleLinkedListIsEmpty(l)) { node->prior = NULL; node->later = NULL; l->head = node; l->tail = node; return; } node->prior = n; if (n->later != NULL) { node->later = n->later; (n->later)->prior = node; } n->later = node; if (l->head->prior != NULL) l->head = l->head->prior; if (l->tail->later != NULL) l->tail = l->tail->later; } /* * Deletes node n from the stringDoubleLinkedList l. */ void stringDoubleLinkedListDelete(stringDoubleLinkedList *l, stringDoubleLinkedListNode *n) { stringDoubleLinkedListNode *root = l->head; while (root != NULL && root != n) root = root->later; if (root == NULL || root != n) return; if (n->prior == NULL && n->later == NULL) { n->store = NULL; free(n); return; } if (n->prior == NULL) { (n->later)->prior = NULL; l->head = l->head->later; free(n); return; } if (n->later == NULL) { (n->prior)->later = NULL; l->tail = l->tail->prior; free(n); return; } (n->prior)->later = n->later; (n->later)->prior = n->prior; free(n); } int main(void) { stringDoubleLinkedList *l = stringDoubleLinkedListCreate(); //printf("Linked list is empty: %d\n", stringDoubleLinkedListIsEmpty(l)); stringDoubleLinkedListPrint(l); stringDoubleLinkedListInsertAfter(l, l->head, "Hello"); stringDoubleLinkedListPrint(l); stringDoubleLinkedListInsertAfter(l, l->head, "World"); stringDoubleLinkedListPrint(l); //printf("head later: %s\n", l->head->later->store); stringDoubleLinkedListInsertAfter(l, l->head->later, "DAY"); stringDoubleLinkedListPrint(l); stringDoubleLinkedListInsertAfter(l, l->tail->prior, "final"); stringDoubleLinkedListPrint(l); stringDoubleLinkedListDelete(l, l->head); stringDoubleLinkedListPrint(l); stringDoubleLinkedListPrint(l); stringDoubleLinkedListInsertBefore(l, l->head, "Hello"); stringDoubleLinkedListPrint(l); stringDoubleLinkedListInsertBefore(l, l->head, "World"); stringDoubleLinkedListPrint(l); //printf("head later: %s\n", l->head->later->store); stringDoubleLinkedListInsertBefore(l, l->head->later, "DAY"); stringDoubleLinkedListPrint(l); stringDoubleLinkedListInsertBefore(l, l->tail->prior, "final"); stringDoubleLinkedListPrint(l); return 0; }