-- -- WaS (c) grimore.org - 2011, License: GPLv3 -- Please see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html -- for legal details, rights of fair usage and -- the disclaimer and warranty conditions. -- tell application "Finder" set facePalms to paragraphs of (read (choose file with prompt "Select file containing list of applications to block: ")) repeat with nextPalm in facePalms tell application "Safari" activate tell application "System Events" keystroke "a" using command down keystroke (ASCII character 8) end tell if length of nextPalm is greater than 0 then tell application "System Events" delay (random number from 1 to 1.5) repeat with nextCharacter in the characters of nextPalm keystroke nextCharacter delay (random number from 0.01 to 0.08) end repeat delay (random number from 1 to 1.5) keystroke return end tell end if end tell end repeat end tell