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Corrade is able to silence people in groups from either talking in text-mode or using voice via the built-in moderate command. Using this command, we can create an elegant script that will read names off a notecard and moderate them by either allowing or disallowing text or voice in Corrade's configured group.


The final step is to add a notecard called moderate containing the name of the avatar to moderate, the moderation type (either voice or text) and whether to silence them (true or false). The syntax that the moderate script uses can be seen in the following example notecard:

# Syntax:
# Avatar name (firstname lastname)| moderate type (text/voice) | silence the avatar (true / false)

# Don't allow Billy Joel to talk in text-mode in the group chat...
Billy Joel|text|false
# ... however, allow Tatiana Lapis to talk in voice in the group.
Billy Joel|voice|true

# Allow Muhamad Ali to talk in text-mode in the group chat.
Muhamad Ali|text|true


Once you add the moderate notecard and the moderate script inside the primitive, the script will start going through all the lines and applying the rules you defined. After the script has finished processing all the lines, the script will stop in a wait state.

To add a new line, simply open up the moderate notecard and add a new line. Corrade will then apply the rules again once the moderate notecard has been saved.
