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The photophore jewelry set is a deep sea inspired accessory suite, created with glowing sapphires, fine solid-silver chains and dark silver crowns.

The necklace features an experimental holo-display, powered by the emitters within the heart and it is capable of rendering an image using particles that turns to face any avatar that is looking at the necklace.




To change the holographic photo, make sure you have disabled camera constraints in the viewer and then zoom-in on the heart. If you edit the heart and select "Edit linked parts" from the pop-up pane, you can select the nanosphere at the centre of the heart.

The nanosphere will contain the following items:

The texture, "holo_heart" should be deleted and the new texture added instead. Once the texture is replaced, go to the viewer menu and select the option that allows you to "Recompile scripts in selection". After one second the new image will be projected in the centre of the heart.

Due to the particle system size limitations, the holographic texture has to be created using the template below:

You will have to download this texture and fit the image you want to project inside the black square and delete the black square.

Projector Script

//  Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2013 - License: GNU GPLv3      //
//  Please see: for legal details,  //
//  rights of fair usage, the disclaimer and warranty conditions.        //
default {
    state_entry() {
    timer() {
        state project;
state project {
    state_entry() {