A bushel and a peck 
A hope and a prayer 
A place for everything and everything in its place 
A snare and a delusion 
A time to live and a time to die 
Alarums and excursions 
Alas and alack 
Alive and kicking 
All and sundry 
Alpha and omega 
Always neat and tidy 
At your beck and call 
Back and fill 
Bag and baggage 
Ball and chain 
Be-all and end-all 
Bells and whistles 
Betwixt and between 
Booze and blades 
Born and bred 
Bow and scrape 
Bred and buttered 
Bright and early 
Bright eyed and bushy tailed 
By and large 
Cakes and ale 
Cheese and rice 
Cloak and dagger 
Cock and bull story 
Cut and dried 
Cut and run 
Cut and thrust 
Day in and day out 
Dead and gone 
Divide and conquer 
Down and out 
Eat and run 
Eat, drink, and be merry 
Ever and anon 
Fair and square 
Far and away 
Fast and furious 
Few and far between 
Fine and dandy 
Fire and brimstone 
First and foremost 
Flesh and blood 
Flotsam and jetsam 
Forever and a day 
Forgive and forget 
Free and easy 
Full and complete 
Gall and wormwood 
Give and take 
Give and take 
God and Mammon 
Goods and chattels 
Grin and bear it 
Hard and fast 
Hem and haw 
Hide and seek 
High and dry 
High and mighty 
Hither and yon 
Ho-Ho-Ho- and a bottle of Rum 
Hook, line, and sinker 
Hoot and holler 
Horse and cart 
Hue and cry 
Huff and puff 
Hung, drawn and quartered 
I came, I saw and I conquered 
In one ear and out the other 
Ins and outs 
Just a hop, skip and a jump away 
Keeps me on pins and needles 
Kiss and make up 
Kiss and tell 
Kit and caboodle 
Law and order 
Live and learn 
Lo and behold 
Lock, stock, and barrel 
Loud and clear 
Movers and shakers 
Nip and tuck 
Now and then 
Nuts and bolts 
Odds and ends 
Off and running 
Onward and upward 
Open and aboveboard 
Out and out 
Over and done with 
Part and parcel 
Pick and choose 
Pure and simple 
Rack and ruin 
Ragtag and bobtail 
Rank and file 
Really and truly 
Rise and shine 
Rough and ready 
Rough and tumble 
Sadder and wiser 
Safe and sound 
Shock and awe 
Short and sweet 
Sick and tired 
Signed, sealed and delivered 
Skin and bones 
Sound and fury 
Spic and span 
Spit and polish 
Stuff and nonsense 
Sweetness and light 
Tall, dark, and handsome 
Tarred and feathered 
The birds and the bees 
The long and short of it 
Then and there 
Thick and fast 
Threescore and ten 
Tooth and nail 
Touch and go 
Trials and tribulations 
Tried and true 
Up and about 
Wait and see 
Watch and wait 
Ways and means 
Well and good 
Wheelings and dealings 
Whys and wherefores 
Wild and woolly 
Wine and dine 
Wrack and ruin 
Young and in love