Table of Contents

Trainer & Cheats

Please see the Saints Row 2022 Cheat Engine section for a trainer and a rundown of the exploits found so far.

Obtaining the Tornado Helicopter

The Tornado helicopter is the only helicopter available in the game that additionally has arms equipped. The helicopter can be obtained from the Marshall prison that is located on the west-most side of the map:

On the north side of the prison, there is a truck parked and right next to the truck a Tornado helicopter spawns from time to time. As with most games, the map spawns dynamically and relative to the position of the player, such that if the helicopter is not there, then it is sufficient to fly away and then come back to make the prison tile of the map reload and hopefully the helicopter will spawn.

Looking at the map from the west-most side, here is the location where the Tornado helicopter will spawn:

And here is the ground view right next to the helicopter with the truck parked right next to it:

The helicopter can be useful in completing quests that involve defeating tough enemies that need extra firepower and cannot be just ran down with a car.

The Monster Truck Trick (Heavyweight)

Heavyweight is a brand of monster trucks that spawn quite frequently in Saints Row 2022. The monster truck will completely pancake a car just by touching it with little to no damage to the monster truck itself. The only vehicles that the monster truck cannot destroy are obviously flying vehicles or armored cars such as APCs or tanks. Either way, compared to an APC, an APC does not manage to pancake or drive over cars like the monster truck and completely destroy them with just a bump. Furthermore, it seems that just riding in the monster truck will almost make the player impervious to any kind of gun damage, including damage received from flying vehicle gatling guns. It also seems that guns in Saints Row 2022 deal very little damage, including the most damage dealing gun, the RPG - and even so, the RPG is only able to hold up to 5 rounds of ammo. The Heavyweight is thusly a good tool to complete right about any quest that involves defeating large amounts of enemies with little risk to the player that has to just repeatedly drive enemies over.

Vehicle Storage & Flying Vehicle Storage

Even though there is no early promise of being able to store vehicles and even less of a promise to be able to store flying vehicles, the following recipe should unlock vehicle and flying vehicle storage:

Most of these steps can be completed by not playing any of the game. With flying vehicle storage unlocked, a great idea is to go look for a Tornado helicopter that can be found at the Marshall prison. After that and given that the Tornado helicopter can shoot both missiles and has an operable machine gun, the rest of the missions should become really easy (unless they contain scripted parts where player vehicles cannot be used).

K.A.K.T.S. Radio Tower Venture Quest Tips

Here is the rundown of the KAKTS radio tower venture quest:

Completing the Planet Saints Venture

The "Planet Saints" venture quest involves hijacking trucks off the road in Saints Row 2022. An easy way to complete the quest is to use the Tornado helicopter with an equipped magnet to just lift the trucks off the road thereby avoiding any generated notoriety and not being followed by anyone.

The trucks are then flown to the venture location, placed on the ground, and driven a short distance to complete the quest. The process is repeated until all 12 trucks are secured.

Save Games

The following archives contain saved games for Saints Row 2022. To use these files, make a backup of your old files in your save games folder and then overwrite everything with the contents of the archive that you pick: