Quiz Solutions

Question Answers
Who was the insane leader of the Republic of Dave? I'm going to say Dave.
What was Rivet City before the war? Aircraft Carrier
Sarah Lyons is a member of what group? Brotherhood of Steel
Who was trapped on the roof of Trinity Tower? Rex Goodman
Who is the most famous reporter in Diamond City? Piper Wright
Who was the sheriff of Megaton? Lucas Simms
What deadly creature lurks in the Salem Museum of Witchcraft? Deathclaw
Who is the DJ for Galaxy News Radio? Three Dog
What book was Moira trying to write? Wasteland Survival Guide
What was Moira's last name? Brown
What store does Moira send the Lone Wanderer to for food? Super-Duper Mart
Which of these did Moira not send the Lone Wanderer to? Nuka-Cola plant
How did the Brotherhood of Steel arrive in the Commonwealth? In an airship
What Brotherhood of Steel member took shelter in the Cambridge Police Station? Paladin Danse and Scribe Haylen
Which advanced technology is used by many Brotherhood of Steel members? Power Armor
What were the Brotherhood of Steel seeking at Mass Fusion HQ? Beryllium agitator
Who is the old psychic with the Minutemen? Mama Murphy
What military group occupied Project Purity before it could be activated? Enclave
Who is the crazy mechanic in the Railroad? Tinker Tom
What eyesore did Allistair Tenpenny want gone? Megaton
Who were the military mercenaries in the Capital Wasteland? Talon Company
What organization created Synths? The Institute
What monument did Hannibal Hamlin want to restore? Lincoln Memorial
What was the name of the Super Mutant Behemoth hiding in the Boston Common pond? Swan
What famous statue lost its head in the Capital Wasteland? Abraham Lincoln
What little boy was trapped in a refrigerator in the Commonwealth? Billy
Super Mutants were created using … Forced Evolutionary Virus
What group worships the Glow? Children of Atom
The Far Harbor island is in what former state? Maine
What is DiMA? Synth
What is the name of the Children of Atom base on Far Harbor island? The Nucleus
Why did Kasumi Nakano run away to Acadia? She believed she was a synth
What is the settlement closest to Vault 111? Sanctuary
Who trims the bushes in Sanctuary? Codsworth
Who is hanging around the Red Rocket near Sanctuary? Dogmeat
The Great War started just before which holiday? Halloween
The children of Atom make their home in what region of the Commonwealth? The Glowing Sea
Where was Lorenzo Cabot held prisoner? Parson State Insane Asylum
Which of the following is not a location in the commonwealth? Harbor Hotel
Where was Kellogg's headquarters? Fort Hagen
Name one of the Raider gangs in Nuka-World ! Disciples, Operators, The Pack
What are the Hubologists after? A spaceship
Which of these is not a flavor of Nuka-Cola? Nuka Fresh