
As suggested by kapsikkum, the patch from the code section can be applied to unmanic in order to remove limitations and to prevent unmanic to phone home. The patch section contains the changes made to session.py in patch format and can either be applied using the patch command or manually by making the necessary changes.


--- /opt/unmanic/venvs/unmanic/lib/python3.11/site-packages/unmanic/libs/session.py~	2023-11-26 15:02:42.000000000 +0000
+++ /opt/unmanic/venvs/unmanic/lib/python3.11/site-packages/unmanic/libs/session.py	2023-11-29 13:06:28.799931459 +0000
@@ -52,17 +52,17 @@
     level - The user auth level
     Set level to 0 by default
-    level = 0
+    level = 5
     non supporter library count
-    library_count = 2
+    library_count = 999
     non supporter linked installations count
-    link_count = 5
+    link_count = 999
     picture_uri - The user avatar
@@ -276,79 +276,7 @@
         :param force:
-        # First check if the current session is still valid
-        if not force and self.__check_session_valid():
-            return True
-        # Set now as the last time this was run (before it was actually run
-        self.last_check = time.time()
-        # Update the session
-        settings = config.Config()
-        try:
-            # Fetch the installation data prior to running a session update
-            self.__fetch_installation_data()
-            # Build post data
-            from unmanic.libs.system import System
-            system = System()
-            system_info = system.info()
-            platform_info = system_info.get("platform", None)
-            if platform_info:
-                platform_info = " * ".join(platform_info)
-            post_data = {
-                "uuid":           self.get_installation_uuid(),
-                "version":        settings.read_version(),
-                "python_version": system_info.get("python", ''),
-                "system":         {
-                    "platform": platform_info,
-                    "devices":  system_info.get("devices", {}),
-                }
-            }
-            # Register Unmanic
-            registration_response = self.api_post(1, 'unmanic-register', post_data)
-            # Save data
-            if registration_response and registration_response.get("success"):
-                registration_data = registration_response.get("data")
-                # Set level from response data (default back to 0)
-                self.level = int(registration_data.get("level", 0))
-                # Get user data from response data
-                user_data = registration_data.get('user')
-                if user_data:
-                    # Set name from user data
-                    name = user_data.get("name")
-                    self.name = name if name else 'Valued Supporter'
-                    # Set avatar from user data
-                    picture_uri = user_data.get("picture_uri")
-                    self.picture_uri = picture_uri if picture_uri else '/assets/global/img/avatar/avatar_placeholder.png'
-                    # Set email from user data
-                    email = user_data.get("email")
-                    self.email = email if email else ''
-                self.__update_created_timestamp()
-                # Persist session in DB
-                self.__store_installation_data()
-                return True
-            # Allow an extension for the session for 7 days without an internet connection
-            if self.__created_older_than_x_days(days=7):
-                # Reset the session - Unmanic should phone home once every 7 days
-                self._reset_session_installation_data()
-            return False
-        except Exception as e:
-            self._log("Exception while registering Unmanic.", str(e), level="debug")
-            if self.__check_session_valid():
-                # If the session is still valid, just return true. Perhaps the internet is down and it timed out?
-                return True
-            return False
+        return True
     def get_sign_out_url(self):