
CleanGenius is a nice-interface based Mac cleaner that performs the same functions as AppTrap, Onyx and other similar tools. The protection is a 15-day trial nag screen which can easily be disabled.

A search for symbols reveals the following interesting bits:

The title nags can be removed by eliminating the nags by noping the jne at 0x100016be1:

                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: r13 -  Killed Regs: rax
0000000100016bd0 488B05912E0B00                  mov        rax, qword [ds:_OBJC_IVAR_$_DBPrefsWindowController.dayNum] ; XREF=0x100016b1d
0000000100016bd7 418B440500                      mov        eax, dword [ds:r13+rax+0x0]
0000000100016bdc 3D3F420F00                      cmp        eax, 0xF423F
0000000100016be1 752B                            jne        0x100016C0E
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: rax r13 -  Killed Regs: rdx rbx rsi rdi
0000000100016be3 488B351EC20A00                  mov        rsi, qword [ds:objc_sel_window] ; @selector(window)
0000000100016bea 488B1D9FA50800                  mov        rbx, qword [ds:imp___got__objc_msgSend]
0000000100016bf1 4C89EF                          mov        rdi, r13
0000000100016bf4 FFD3                            call       rbx
0000000100016bf6 488B35FBC30A00                  mov        rsi, qword [ds:objc_sel_setTitle_] ; @selector(setTitle:)
0000000100016bfd 488D15B4600B00                  lea        rdx, qword [ds:cfstring_CleanGenius] ; @"CleanGenius"
0000000100016c04 4889C7                          mov        rdi, rax
0000000100016c07 FFD3                            call       rbx
0000000100016c09 E98B000000                      jmp        0x100016C99
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: rax -  Killed Regs: <nothing>
0000000100016c0e 85C0                            test       eax, eax                      ; XREF=0x100016be1
0000000100016c10 7F33                            jnle       0x100016C45
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: rax r13 -  Killed Regs: rax rdx rbx rsi rdi r14
0000000100016c12 488B35EFC10A00                  mov        rsi, qword [ds:objc_sel_window] ; @selector(window)
0000000100016c19 4C8B3570A50800                  mov        r14, qword [ds:imp___got__objc_msgSend]
0000000100016c20 4C89EF                          mov        rdi, r13
0000000100016c23 41FFD6                          call       r14
0000000100016c26 4889C3                          mov        rbx, rax
0000000100016c29 488B35A8C30A00                  mov        rsi, qword [ds:objc_sel_stringWithFormat_] ; @selector(stringWithFormat:)
0000000100016c30 488B3D41EE0A00                  mov        rdi, qword [ds:bind__OBJC_CLASS_$_NSString]
0000000100016c37 488D159A600B00                  lea        rdx, qword [ds:cfstring_CleanGenius___Your_trial_version_has_expired] ; @"CleanGenius - Your trial version has expired"

This will have the effect of sliding on the nops, setting the title to CleanGenius followed by the jmp at 0x100016c09.

Another bomb is in windowDidLoad around 0x10004bd71:

====== B E G I N   O F   P R O C E D U R E ======
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: rdi -  Killed Regs: rax rbx rbp rsi rdi
000000010004bd71 55                              push       rbp
000000010004bd72 4889E5                          mov        rbp, rsp
000000010004bd75 4156                            push       r14
000000010004bd77 53                              push       rbx
000000010004bd78 4883EC10                        sub        rsp, 0x10
000000010004bd7c 4889FB                          mov        rbx, rdi
000000010004bd7f 48895DE0                        mov        qword [ss:rbp-0x20+var_0], rbx
000000010004bd83 488B0566A30700                  mov        rax, qword [ds:0x1000C60F0]
000000010004bd8a 488945E8                        mov        qword [ss:rbp-0x20+var_8], rax
000000010004bd8e 488B3583790700                  mov        rsi, qword [ds:objc_sel_windowDidLoad] ; @selector(windowDidLoad)
000000010004bd95 488D7DE0                        lea        rdi, qword [ss:rbp-0x20+var_0]
000000010004bd99 E8B28A0200                      call       imp___stubs__objc_msgSendSuper2
000000010004bd9e 488B054BEC0700                  mov        rax, qword [ds:_OBJC_IVAR_$_ActivateWinController.dayNum]
000000010004bda5 8B0403                          mov        eax, dword [ds:rbx+rax]
000000010004bda8 85C0                            test       eax, eax
000000010004bdaa 7921                            jns        0x10004BDCD
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: rbx -  Killed Regs: rax rdx rsi rdi
000000010004bdac 488B0545EC0700                  mov        rax, qword [ds:_OBJC_IVAR_$_ActivateWinController.trialDayTextFiled]
000000010004bdb3 488B3C03                        mov        rdi, qword [ds:rbx+rax]
000000010004bdb7 488B35F2780700                  mov        rsi, qword [ds:objc_sel_setStringValue_] ; @selector(setStringValue:)
000000010004bdbe 488D1533F80700                  lea        rdx, qword [ds:cfstring_]     ; @""
000000010004bdc5 FF15C5530500                    call       qword [ds:imp___got__objc_msgSend]
000000010004bdcb EB63                            jmp        0x10004BE30
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: rax rbx -  Killed Regs: rcx rbx rdi
000000010004bdcd 488B0D24EC0700                  mov        rcx, qword [ds:_OBJC_IVAR_$_ActivateWinController.trialDayTextFiled] ; XREF=0x10004bdaa
000000010004bdd4 488B1C0B                        mov        rbx, qword [ds:rbx+rcx]
000000010004bdd8 488B3D999C0700                  mov        rdi, qword [ds:bind__OBJC_CLASS_$_NSString]
000000010004bddf 85C0                            test       eax, eax
000000010004bde1 7E23                            jle        0x10004BE06
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: rax -  Killed Regs: rax rcx rdx rsi r14
000000010004bde3 B910000000                      mov        ecx, 0x10
000000010004bde8 29C1                            sub        ecx, eax
000000010004bdea 488B35E7710700                  mov        rsi, qword [ds:objc_sel_stringWithFormat_] ; @selector(stringWithFormat:)
000000010004bdf1 488D1580460800                  lea        rdx, qword [ds:cfstring_Your_trial_period__Day__d_of_15_has_been_used] ; @"Your trial period: Day %d of 15 has been used"

where we notice the jmp at 0x10004bdcb to the end of the method, thereby skipping the rest of the "trial expired" nags. We go up and replace the jns at 0x10004bdaa with the destination of the jmp to 0x10004BE30.

The final bomb is in trialAlertView which is just a test at 0x1000491f1 which checks whether the trial window should be shown.

====== B E G I N   O F   P R O C E D U R E ======
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: rdx rdi -  Killed Regs: rbx
00000001000491e7 55                              push       rbp
00000001000491e8 4889E5                          mov        rbp, rsp
00000001000491eb 4156                            push       r14
00000001000491ed 53                              push       rbx
00000001000491ee 4889FB                          mov        rbx, rdi
00000001000491f1 84D2                            test       dl, dl
00000001000491f3 7505                            jne        0x1000491FA
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: rsp -  Killed Regs: rbx rbp r14
00000001000491f5 5B                              pop        rbx
00000001000491f6 415E                            pop        r14
00000001000491f8 5D                              pop        rbp
00000001000491f9 C3                              ret        

Depending on the outcome of the test, the method proceeds to display the window by jumping to that code using the jne. So, we disable the jne by noping it:

00000001000491e7 55                              push       rbp
00000001000491e8 4889E5                          mov        rbp, rsp
00000001000491eb 4156                            push       r14
00000001000491ed 53                              push       rbx
00000001000491ee 4889FB                          mov        rbx, rdi
00000001000491f1 84D2                            test       dl, dl
00000001000491f3 90                              nop        
00000001000491f4 90                              nop        
00000001000491f5 5B                              pop        rbx
00000001000491f6 415E                            pop        r14
00000001000491f8 5D                              pop        rbp
00000001000491f9 C3                              ret        

The final bomb is in setIsShowTrialWindow which we nop as well:

00000001000136be 55                              push       rbp
00000001000136bf 90                              nop        
00000001000136c0 90                              nop        
00000001000136c1 90                              nop        
00000001000136c2 90                              nop        
00000001000136c3 90                              nop        
00000001000136c4 90                              nop        
00000001000136c5 90                              nop        
00000001000136c6 90                              nop        
00000001000136c7 90                              nop        
00000001000136c8 90                              nop        
00000001000136c9 90                              nop        
00000001000136ca 90                              nop        
00000001000136cb 90                              nop        
00000001000136cc 5D                              pop        rbp
00000001000136cd C3                              ret        

That's it.

Oh no, not this shit again!

We quickly uninstalled the application after breaking it because it is extremely crap compared to free alternatives such as "Onyx". Seriously? All it has is a duplicate finder which you could do on the bash prompt, an application "uninstaller" which you could use the system-wide AppTrap free application that automatically monitors any application you throw in the trashcan. Then we have the Internet myth of "Freeing Memory" when all it does is swap out pages and a bullshit "Login Items" de-activator which can be done from preference.

This sort of garbage pollutes the internet these days… Perhaps a new GreenPeace-like society should be instated that will protest against garbage applications and misinformation. People are misguided into buying these things because of flashy graphics and lame advertisements only to figure out later the mistake they did. Not to mention that gimmick "lifehacker" that recommends this junk to his precious fans. It's like selling fake jewels to seniors over the shopping network.