
Amnesty is a program that lets you run dashboard widgets on the desktop. The trial is a typical 30-day fully functional trial. The only protection is a function remindMe that is responsible for popping up the trial window:

====== B E G I N   O F   P R O C E D U R E ======
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: ebp st0 -  Killed Regs: eax edx esp ebp edi xmm0
0001a6a8 55                              push       ebp
0001a6a9 89E5                            mov        ebp, esp
0001a6ab 57                              push       edi
0001a6ac 56                              push       esi
0001a6ad 53                              push       ebx
0001a6ae 83EC5C                          sub        esp, 0x5C
0001a6b1 A1E4650400                      mov        eax, dword [ds:objc_msg_date]

This can be avoided entirely by jumping directly to the end of the function:

0001a6a8 55                              push       ebp
0001a6a9 89E5                            mov        ebp, esp
0001a6ab 57                              push       edi
0001a6ac 56                              push       esi
0001a6ad 53                              push       ebx
0001a6ae 83EC5C                          sub        esp, 0x5C
0001a6b1 E94B030000                      jmp        0x1AA01
0001aa01 83C45C                          add        esp, 0x5C                             ; XREF=0x1a72f, 0x1a9d5, 0x1a6b1
0001aa04 5B                              pop        ebx
0001aa05 5E                              pop        esi
0001aa06 5F                              pop        edi
0001aa07 C9                              leave      
0001aa08 C3                              ret        
0001aa09 90                              nop