/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2011 - License: GNU GPLv3 // // Please see: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for legal details, // // rights of fair usage, the disclaimer and warranty conditions. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DPD: DATABASE ADDRESS REPLICATOR ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------- CONFIGURATION --------------------// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Time in seconds between the Distributed Primitive // Database (DPD) URL address replication attempts. // This determines how fast the current prim/DPD will // attempt to connect to other prims/DPDs in your // network. Keep this at a sensible value, way beyond a // setting of 1. Do NOT be greedy and go too low on this // or you will overclock the script till it breaks. // Sensible values are well beyond 60s and it should be that // way for slow to moderate storage. integer URL_REPLICATION_TIME = 5; // This is your whole Distributed Primitive Database (DPD) // network password. Nobody would be able to hook up to your // network unless they know this password. Make sure it is // something unique. If you want a good password, google for an // md5 hash generator and use that. ALL the prims in your // Distributed Primitive Database (DPD) network must have the // same password that you enter here. It can be anything you // choose but WITHOUT SPACES and without PUNCTUATION MARKS/SYMBOLS. string DATABASE_PASSWORD = "49c11b5dfa51597b3021578810a1ebd2"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------- INTERNALS ----------------------// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pragma inline integer isValidURL(string URL) { if(~llSubStringIndex(URL, "http://") && ~llSubStringIndex(URL, "lindenlab.com") && ~llSubStringIndex(URL, "cap")) return 1; return 0; } integer dbON = 1; integer menuHandle = 0; integer registerHandle = 0; list urlBeacons = []; integer urlBeaconsNum = 0; string selfURL = ""; integer gitra; integer gitrb; default { state_entry() { llReleaseURL(selfURL); selfURL = ""; llRequestURL(); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3, "", "@db_FETCHKICKSTART"); llSetTimerEvent(URL_REPLICATION_TIME); } changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_REGION_START || change & CHANGED_REGION) { llReleaseURL(selfURL); selfURL = ""; llRequestURL(); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3, "", "@db_FETCHKICKSTART"); llSetTimerEvent(URL_REPLICATION_TIME); } } on_rez(integer pin) { llReleaseURL(selfURL); selfURL = ""; llRequestURL(); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3, "", "@db_FETCHKICKSTART"); llSetTimerEvent(URL_REPLICATION_TIME); } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0); if(gitrb >= llGetListLength(urlBeacons)) { ++gitra; gitrb = 0; } if(gitra >= llGetListLength(urlBeacons)) { gitra=0; } if(isValidURL(llList2String(urlBeacons, gitra)) && isValidURL(llList2String(urlBeacons, gitrb))) llHTTPRequest(llList2String(urlBeacons, gitra), [HTTP_METHOD, "POST"], llList2String(urlBeacons, gitrb) + " " + DATABASE_PASSWORD); ++gitrb; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3, selfURL, "@db_SETKICKSTART=" + llList2CSV(urlBeacons)); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 1, llList2CSV(urlBeacons), selfURL + "@db_REPLICATE"); llSetTimerEvent(URL_REPLICATION_TIME); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if(llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner()) return; integer comChannel = ((integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetKey(),-8,-1)) & 0x3FFFFFFF) ^ 0xBFFFFFFF; menuHandle = llListen(comChannel, "", llGetOwner(), ""); llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Welcome to the Distributed Primitive Database (DPD) Server:\n\nAdd URL: Use this to add a new DPD.\n\nMy URL: Use this to get the address of this DPD.\n\List URLs: Use this to list all the linked DPDs.\n\nReset: Use this to permanently reset the current DPD since resettting the script will not unlink it from the network.\n\nOn/Off: This will turn the DPD on and off. It will remain connected to the network but will not receive or broadcast messages.\n\nList URLs: Use this to get a list of linked DPDs.", ["[ Add URL ]", "[ My URL ]", "[ List URLs ]", "[ Reset ]", "[ On ]", "[ Off ]"], comChannel); } listen(integer chan,string name,key id,string mes) { if(mes == "[ On ]") { dbON = 1; llOwnerSay("Distributed Primitive Database (DPD) is now: ON"); jump close_chans; } if(mes == "[ Off ]") { dbON = 0; llOwnerSay("Distributed Primitive Database (DPD) is now: OFF"); jump close_chans; } if(mes == "[ Reset ]") { llSetTimerEvent(0); llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXT, "", <0,0,0>, .0]); llResetScript(); return; } if(mes == "[ Add URL ]") { llOwnerSay("Please paste an URL on channel " + (string)89 + " in order to register it with the system by typing:\n/" + (string)89 + " URL\nWhere URL is the URL of another Distributed Primitive Database (DPD)."); registerHandle = llListen(89, "", id, ""); jump close_menu; } if(mes == "[ My URL ]") { if(selfURL == "") { llOwnerSay("I don't have an URL registered yet."); jump close_chans; } llOwnerSay("My URL is: " + selfURL); jump close_chans; } if(mes == "[ List URLs ]") { if(!llGetListLength(urlBeacons)) { llOwnerSay("No beacons registered."); jump close_chans; } integer itra; llOwnerSay("----- REGISTERED DATABASES -----"); for(itra=0; itra