Act the fool Bear the brunt Beat the band Beat the bushes Beat the rap Bust a move Bill the cat Bite the bullet Bite the dust Break a leg Break the bank Break the color barrier Break the habit Break the ice Break the news Break the wind Bury the hatchet Buy the farm Cast the first stone Chew the cud Chew the fat Chew the rag Circle the wagons Clear the air Clear the decks Climb the wall Crack the code Crossing the Rubbikon Cruising the bars Cue the dance girls Cut the Gordian knot Cut the mustard Cut the shenanigans Cut to the chase Draw the line at Draw the long bow Eat my dust Face the music Fly by the book Get the lead out Give it a rest Give it the old college try Hit the sack Hold down the fort Hold your horses In the buff In the doghouse In the money Jump the gun Keep your chin up Kick the bucket Kill 'em with kindness Knock 'em dead Know the ropes Learn the ropes Lower the boom Make tracks On the house On the level On the run Pour it on thick Pull a fast one Put a cork in it Raise the dead Raise the roof Run like the wind Seize the day Seize the moment Spoil the fun Steal the show Stop the presses That's the breaks Tickle the ivories Tie the knot Tow the line Under the weather Wake the dead Walk the plank